Gull Sun Coil™ Solar Pool Heating Collector
For Heating Swimming Pools in Residential and Commercial Installations
Quality Construction
The Gull Sun Coil® is a heat collector constructed of high-density polyethylene industrial tubing. It has special additives to extend its life in outdoor conditions. The central hub and spokes, which are integral parts of the support structure, are made of A.B.S. with ultraviolet protective coatings. The Sun Coil does not require draining to protect it from freezing. This makes it especially appropriate for cold climates.
High Efficiency Design
The Sun Coil's 360° tubular design absorbs light from all angles. The conductive surface area to volume of water ratio is higher than any other manufactured solar collector on the market. The 6 1/2' Sun Coil exceeds or meets the performance of a typical 4' X 10' solar collector. The built-in framework makes installation simple; it requires no clamps, straps, hold-down hardware or wood framing.
Save hundreds of dollars when installing on:
Tile Roofs
One attachment only. The Sun Coil has the lowest possible impact on tile roofs. Its built-in framework lifts it off of uneven surfaces. One penetration is all that is needed to attach it to your roof?s surface. This eliminates the need for expensive wooden framing and fiberglass underlays. It also allows your roof to breathe and stay healthy.
Flat Roofs
No attachment required. On flat roofs there is no need to attach the Sun Coil; the weight of the water inside the coils holds the collector in place.
Roofs with Hips and Valleys
The Sun Coil is the solution for roofs that can't use standard rectangular panels—roofs where triangular and rectangular areas are integrated. The round shape and built-in framework of the Sun Coil can meet requirements where others can't.
Ground Mounting
The design of the Sun Coil solar energy collector is a simple and durable enough design that it can be laid flat on the ground or rack mounted.

20 Year Limited Warranty
Gull Sun Coil Specifications
Cross-section of the Sun Coil on Spanish style tile roof.
Independently tested as exceeding the performance of a typical 4? X 10? solar collector.
Technical Data
Size 6½' diameter
Net Collector Area 30.64 sq. ft.
Gross Collector Area 44.10 sq. ft.
Dry Weight 35 lbs.
Wet Weight 127 lbs.
Fluid Capacity 11 gal
Maximum Flow Rate 10 GPM
Recommended Flow Rate 5 GPM
Performance Chart: San Francisco Bay Area
Expected solar contribution per month and average per year based on correct industry sizing standards with unglazed solar panels and uncovered pool.
Plumbing Schematic
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